Memorandum #2

To: Parsons Students

From: H. Randolph Swearer, Dean

Date: March 22, 2000

Initial Comment: This memo became public about the same time as the previous memo to faculty

I write to provide you with information about a long-range plan for the Parsons buildings and advise you about the impact these plans will have on our printmaking program in the short term.

As some of you may know, the University engaged Helpern Architects to develop a comprehensive facilities master plan for Parsons; the firm has been working all during the 1999-00 academic year and conceptual plans and recommendations were presented to the University leadership, to most of the Parsons Department Chairs and to the Parsons Deans Student Advisory Committee in January and February.

The plan includes some extremely attractive features-. more rational arrangements and adjacencies of departments and labs; more open floor plans allowing for easier 'interaction between classes more natural light for studios; improved access to critique space for each department in the: 13thSt. building; the development of "smart" teaching [Comment: i.e. total computerization], and working spaces on each floor; redesigned public spaces, including the 13th St. entrance and gallery, and much enhanced facilities for students.[Comment: A larger Cafeteria! The present space is very sparsely used! Question: Was there an unannounced incentive to Parsons to do this? ]

A public presentation on the plan will be held later in the semester. [Comment: By that time it would be too late to organize any protest against it]

The plan, if fully realized, will require the expenditure of approximately $30 million for which a major capital campaign will be mounted; however the University has committed $6 million of immediately available bond funds to begin initial work this summer.[Comment: What was the source of this bond and what were the conditions, if any , attached to its timing and use]

The Helpem Plan, like most facilities plans, will require compromises, since the net gain in space available for Parsons will not increase dramatically. We will need to prioritize our needs and consider making changes to maximize the newly conceived space. We will have to consider doing slightly less, but doing it considerably better.

At the present time, our most compelling needs are for dedicated studio space in the departments,[Comment: At the expense of ONLY the print shop!] better circulation and a larger and enhanced 4thfloor Student Commons, including work and meeting space, exhibition and critique space, improved dining and social spaces and the relocation of all student services offices. Work will begin on addressing these needs this summer.. It appears that we are not able to -accommodate the print shop in the 13th Street building. [Comment: Any institution seriously intending to preserve a facility that will be disassembled would have addressed these questions BEFORE allocating space to planning architects]

When this became evident, I assembled a group of department chairs whose students comprise most of the degree students currently enrolled in elective printmaking classes. While there was general support for providing degree students with the this summer option of elective courses in printmaking to supplement their major studies, there was not a clear sense that relocating the printshop was a high enough priority to displace other elements of the degree curriculum. Given the need for us to make some decisions in time for the early summer construction schedule, I have taken the following steps:

* In order to pursue alternative curricular options - and thereby generate deeper and stronger support - I appointed a faculty task force. Each of the members has had substantial experience with print media and with curriculum development. Their charge is to explore alternative curricular models and provide me with a preliminary, conceptual model for a future print program that supports the main degree curricula at Parsons, by the end of March.

· We have determined that we will not be able to redefine and relocate the print facilities in time for the summer 2000 semester, or for the 2000-01 academic year. Summer course offerings in all programs are cancelled.

· Over the summer we will develop a plan for storing the presses and other print equipment and materials for the duration of the 2000-01 academic year, and will explore possibilities for offering a reduced number of courses at an off-site location.

I want to be clear that these changes are not a reflection on the work faculty and students have done in the Parsons print curriculum, but are driven by our constant need to reevaluate curriculum in response to changing technologies and academic and professional priorities throughout the school. I encourage you to share your thoughts about future directions printmaking might take at Parsons with your department chair. If you have further questions about our facilities planning, or about the planning for revising the printmaking curriculum, please contact Ilana Levitt Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at 229-8993 who will be your liaison to me.

66 Fifth Avenue New York NY

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