From: The Printmakers
To: Dean R. Swearer
Re- The best kept secret in Parsons for years ( Dean Swearer's Memorandum re print facilities)
Dear Dean Swearer,
Your open memorandum on the closing of the Print Shop is a typical bureaucratic "bikini" letter. What it reveals is interesting but what it conceals is vital. It is simply not credible that the architects would have drawn plans for the 4 th floor without specific information from you that the Print Shop space would be available.
The intention to destroy the Print shop is obvious. Every other Art Department in the country that is changing any of its facilities, has preplanned now facilities, so there will be a seamless transition when the old space is needed for something else. No suggestions on this vital issue appear to have been made to the architects engaged for the major reconstruction.
That these intentions were present ab initio in this matter is very clear, especially so in view of the fact that the whole project was kept highly secret from those most affected fill very recently. You really do not need a series of interlocking meetings and committees to muddy the waters so that you can proceed unimpeded with your plans.
The Print Shop may or may not be a profit center for the school but even if its is not it is an essential part of a proper academic art program.(Your predecessor seems to have thought so, since the Print Shop facilities were upgraded about 3 years ago). A man of your professional, academic, and administrative experience must be well aware that this is the general if not universal view.
Your position that this matter is a fait accompli is unacceptable. Those affected will use all legitimate means to obtain a rapid reversal of your position and plans. Once the 'bulldozers" have gone in, the Print Shop is gone forever! You know it, we know it and it MUST NOT happen.
The Printmakers
Sen. Bob Kerry
+ All Members of the Board of Trustees
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