As a practicing artist who has registered and taken courses at Parsons printmaking workshop for 23 years, I must admit to be stunned to have just learned of the new administrations intentions to terminate one of the most excellent of such facilities around. Particularly disturbing is the abrupt, secretive, and total manner in planning this cultural abortion.

Over the years so much has been accomplished by highly competent, creative, and dedicated staff, both toward refining the physical organization and enabling hundreds of Parsons and New School students each semester, to learn in depth basic core curricula of visual arts. This was an important benefit no matter which field of specialization, whether design, illustration, photography, architecture, etc. The interdisciplinary aspects and applications would be among the most positive aspects irreplaceably lost in the event of such drastic action. For example, links of printmaking with photoshop are an enhancement to all departments.

Regarding the staff, special mention needs to be made of the almost single handed and unique contribution of Bill Phipps in carefully and in the most professional way structuring ,staffing, and making a smoothly functioning workshop to serve so many classes. This has taken years to perfect, yet can be destroyed immediately.

Along with all those who in one way or another participated, contributed to, benefited from, and were in any way involved with the Parsons printshop I appeal as urgently as possible for the preservation of one of the cultural assets in this city which would be extremely difficult to replace. Incidentally by contrast, the Rhode Island School of Design has enhanced their printmaking department into a state of the art enterprise. Would not this be a better model for Parsons School of Design, especially being in what is deemed the world center for the arts, New York City. Superceding "bottom line" considerations, the international reputation of Parsons/The New School is at stake.


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