April 15, 2000

To Susan Weller:

On March 16 the Faculty and Staff were notified that all classes in Printmaking were to be cancelled and the Printshop turned into an extended cafeteria. We rallied with faculty, students, certain department heads, museums, art organizations, and the arts community at large and on March 29th we received an open letter from Dean Swearer stating the Printshop facilities will not be closed next year. However, even though we received this open letter the faculty and staff of Printmaking have never received any official notification rescinding the action canceling the classes. The Faculty and Staff approached the Chairman Roger Shepherd with this concern and even though he expressed his desire to run the classes as usual he stated he could not rescind the official word from the Dean. They have written the Dean requesting in writing that all classes be reinstated. They have not heard anything as of yet.

We felt it important to now keep you informed of this matter and to ask you to voice your support. 'fhe arts community has been aware of this matter and have been keeping a close watch. We have received letters of support from throughout this country and all over the world via the internet, including the Deans former university 'Me University of Texas, Austin.

The Printshop has initiated a lecture series called, "Artist and their Prints." The lectures will take place Thursday evenings at 7 PM. The location will be posted. the first guest speaker on April 20 will be Parsons faculty member Paul Marcus. On April 27 Sue Coe will speak. Please encourage your students to attend.

Thank you.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Save Printmaking Association



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