April 3, 2000

To: Dean H. Randolph Swearer

 We wholeheartedly commend you for withdrawing the plan to close the Printmaking Department. We are glad you recognize the essential place of fine arts and especially printmaking in a design school. We are sure you will use your best efforts to protect their presence.

Parsons/New School Print Atelier has a rich history and is a magnificent resource for artists, designers, illustrators and photographers. It offers a tremendous avenue of art expression and a place to come together.

Your involvement and willingness to listen has given students, faculty, and the administration an opportunity to plan the future of one of the most loved and used print atehers in the world. We look forward to a broad based consultation including students and faculty from the BFA, AAS, Continuing Education and Special Programs of Parsons and representation from The New School.

Save Printmaking Association

2W 13th Street, Room 407 

cc: Board oftrustees. Mr. John L. Tishman, Chair; Mr. Henry H. Amhold, Mr. Arnold H. Aronson, Vice Chair; Ms. Diane P. Baker, Franci J. Blassberg, Mr. Ivan Chermayeff, Ms. Gabriella De Ferrari,Mr. Robert E. Denham, Mr. Adrian W Devrind, Mr. R. Harcourt Dodds, Mr. Strachan Donneley, Mr. Douglas D. Durst, Mr. Walter A. Eberstadt, Mr. Michael E. Gellert, Vice Chair; Mr. Paul A. Gould, Mr. Bill Green, Ms. Susan U. Halpern, Mr. William E. Havemeyer, Mr. William H. Hayden, Ms. Rita A. Hernandez, Mr. Robert E Hoerle, Mr. William H. Janeway, Mr. Eugene M. Lang, Ms. Betty Levin, Ms. Lois List, Ms. Vera G. List, Mr. Bevis Longstreth, Mr. Robert J. Millard, Mr. Robert J. Morgado, Mr. Robert H. Mundheim, Mr. Jonathan Newcomb, Mr. Arthur Penn, Ms. Nancy B. Perctsma-n, Vice Chair; Mr. Peter 0. Price, Mr. Ramon J. Rodriguez, Mr. Daniel Rothenberg, Mr. Richard C. Sachs, Mr. Joshua Sapan, Mr. Philip Scaturro, Treasurer; Mrs. James C. Slaughter, Ms. Lois A. Slutsky, Mr. Malcolm B. Smith, Mr. William J. Snipes, Mr. Elliot Stein, Mr. Julien J. Studley, Mr. Tomio Taki, Ms. Lilian Shiao-Yen Wu, Mr. William D. Zabel.

Senator Kerrey/President New School University, Philip Scaturro/Chancellor New School University, Elizabeth D. Dickey/Provost New School University, James Murtha/Executive Vice President New School University.



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