To:Parsons Community

From: H. Randolph Swearer, Dean

Date: March 29, 2000

Re: Parsons Facilities Plan

Comment: This strategic retreat was brilliantly timed to break up a student protest meeting. The fact that it did not contain any promise of preservation of the print shop, retention of the part time faculty or continued availability for all present constituencies, was quickly recognized and the fight renewed.

I am writing to advise you that we have changed our plans to begin building the Parsons Student Commons on the 4 th Floor of 2 West 13th Street this summer. Accordingly, we will not need to relocate the printmaking- facilities for the 2000-01 academic year.

During many conversations with students and faculty, this week I was impressed with the commitment expressed. I was persuaded that we should extend the planning process into the next academic year. [Comment: no concession here about preservation of the shop or the present program] In addition, we met with the architect yesterday afternoon who had concerns about completing the renovations before the start of the academic year.[Comment: was it not a little late in the day to make this realization?]

There will be a thorough, rigorous on going review of the printmaking program that will include student and faculty participation. [Comment: There is an implied limitation of participants here ] We have some very exciting ideas on the table about the future that we will continue to develop.

I look forward to working with many [Comment: There is an implied limitation of participants here as well ]   of you to develop comprehensive plans for renovation of the Parsons facility.


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