TO:The Parsons Community
From: Randy Swearer
Date; 4/19/00
Subject: Printmaking
I would like to clarify a number of issues regarding the Parsons administration's position on the situation in printmaking
1) Parsons has not closed printmaking and has not eliminated it from its program. [
Comment: what is planned to be eliminated from the printmaking program. In March lithography was already off the table]2) The Parsons administration has made no decision about the. future. of Continuing Education printmaking pending an analysis of the CE component.[
Comment : What needs to be analysed here? CE is one of the most vibrant components of the printmaking program ] We expect to have a finished report on CE printmaking by the end of June.[ Comment: Perfect timing, there will be no one around to discuss or counter the report and by the Fall it will be cast in stone as a fait accompli. ]3) Our decision about the future of CE printmaking will be based academic criteria.[Comment: What does this mean. The program is popular and well subscribed and since it is NOT a credit program, what academic criteria are relevant? ] The Parsons administration is deeply committed to maintaining a diverse community of students and faculty. The overall Parsons CE program. continues to grow, and offers a wide range of courses to a broad constituencv.
4)Parsons will not eliminate the Fine Arts Department, and will not diminish the range of its offerings.[Comment: what is the future time frame of this assurance? ] Fine Arts is an important component of our school's future.
5)Parsons has assembled a committee of students [ Comment: Who selected these students and what does participate mean? Under this heading the student views could be totally ignored ]representing a variety of disciplines and departments to participate in a discussion about the development of the Parsons printmaking curriculum.
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